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10 DIY Projects That Will Blow Your Kids Minds

To decorate the kids room and playgrounds making this special spots of the house a great place where your children will feel comfortable and pleased, doesn't have to be expensive or difficult, with just few things and tools you can create marvelous spaces for the little ones.

In the lines bellow you will find amazing and easy to do DIY to improve the kids playing spots:

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1. A lovely play kitchen for the little princesses:
All you need to do is use your imagination find an old entertainment center furniture, painting, wood and glass planks, handgrips and the necessary tools like hammer, screwdriver and saw.

2. Rainbow colorful fan:
Using an old conventional fan and acrylic craft painting, you can also use glow in the dark paintings to create a marvelous effects when the room is dark.

3. Skateboard swing for the backyard:
An old neglected skateboard a few painting and a pair of ropes and your children will instantly have a funny and beautiful swing.

4. A beautiful outdoor chalkboard:
All you need is a plank of wood and chalkboard paint which you can either buy or make with chalk, acrylic paint, carpenter's glue and water.

5. Colorful and sparkly confetti paint:
With hair gel, food coloring, craft sequin, and confetti you can create a perfect paint for children great for using with brush and fingers as well.

6. Cardboard boxes maze:
Just cut the boxes into same size sheets and stick then together making as many cubes as you wish leaving the top uncovered, open a hole so the kids can enter and pass from one cube through other.

7. Chocolate ice cream bowls:
Filling balloons with melted chocolate inflate and close then spread the chocolate in the bottom of the ballon allow to harden and cut the tip remove the ballon and you will have delicious bowls to serve ice cream to your kids for snack or in parties.

8. Frozen Slime:
All you need to make this sensory play is a cup of school glue, a cup of water, 1/2 teaspoon of borax, 1/2 cup of hot water, sprinkles of silver and blue glitter and blue food colouring mix all the elements but the hot water and borax, then pour the borax into the hot water and dissolve, add this to all other elements mixture and voila the shining slime is ready for the fun.

9. A treehouse:
The playing spot any kid would dream of. If you live in a house and have a big tree in the backyard you can surprise your kids with this wonderful idea, all you need is wood planks, nails, hammer and determination.

10. Scrabble in the garden:
With just square pieces of wood resembling the scrabble game pieces but bigger and black paint to draw the alphabet you can make a marvelous scrabble game for the garden, all your kids will love.

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